Home Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) Installation & Upgrade HAAst upgrade procedure (minor version upgrade)

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  • Avatar photoCustomer Inquiry
    Post count: 197

    I would like to upgrade my installed version of HAAst. This is a minor version upgrade (eg: 2.1.1 to 2.2.5). What’s the best way to perform this upgrade?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 258

    I recommend using the updatefiles.sh script file found in the haast-2.X.X-x86_64-XXX/install_files directory of the HAAst package you downloaded. This script will update all files to the latest version of HAAst. Just restart the HAAst service once complete. For example:

    [root@pbx2:/usr/src/haast-2.3.13-x86_64-rh7/install_files] $ ./updatefiles.sh
    HAAst file copier/updater version 1.5

    Verifying/creating directories
    Configuration directory [/etc/xdg/telium] already exists
    Configuration sensor/sync directory [/etc/xdg/telium/haast.conf.d] already exists
    Base directory [/usr/local/haast] already exists
    Events directory [/usr/local/haast/events] already exists
    Internal directory [/usr/local/haast/internal] already exists
    Web directory [/usr/local/haast/web_interface] already exists

    Verifying/copying files
    Config file [haast.conf] already exists, skipping copy
    Executable file [haast] already exists, replacing file in [/usr/local/haast]
    Internal helper functions file [helperfunctions.sh] already exists, replacing file in [/usr/local/haast/internal]
    Internal release file [release] already exists, replacing file in [/usr/local/haast/internal]
    Web interface files already exist, replacing files in [/usr/local/haast/web_interface]
    Preserving web settings files [/usr/local/haast/web_interface/settings.php]

    HAAst files have been copied/updated
    HAAst overwritten with same version 2.3.13
    Executable, web interface files have been copied/updated. Configuration files,
    service files, event handlers, and sample files have not be installed/updated

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