We would be happy to SSH into your hosts to help with configuration.
Our support machines have pre-installed VPN clients for the most popular protocols: Microsoft Windows protocols (PPTP/L2TP/IPSec/IKEv2), and shared Cisco VPN protocols.
If you chose not to use one of these protocols, or you require that we install a VPN client that is locked to your VPN concentrator address, then we must build a virtual machine for our support techs to use when connecting to your system. Our support techs cannot (and may not) install any software on their machines, in order to protect our computing environment.
If you cannot use one of the pre-installed VPN protocols above, and you cannot port forward SSH from your public IP to your nodes, then we will have to charge you an additional 2 hours of support time to build and maintain a support VM dedicated to your environment. We will also archive this VM (while your maintenance agreement is active) to ensure we can continue to support you going forward.
See FAQ 10042 for additional information: https://autocommander.aws2.ocg.ca/faq1042
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