In-Vehicle Controller
The ultimate platform to hack your vehicle
Device Control
IVC can control almost any electronic device in the vehicle. If the device is connected to a bus (CAN bus / K-Line / etc) then IVC can command it by issuing commands over the bus. If the device is connected through another medium like ethernet, wifi, bluetooth, etc. then IVC can command it as well by establishing a suitable protocol connections. And finally, if the device is directly connected to the computing platform (eg: I/O pins, relay, transistor) then IVC can command it by communicating directly with the on-board hardware.
Sensor Access
IVC can read almost any electronic sensor/switch in the vehicle. If the device is connected to a bus (CAN bus / K-Line / etc) then IVC can read it by issuing commands over the bus or listening for a broadcast message. If the device is connected through another medium like ethernet, wifi, bluetooth, etc. then IVC can read it as well by establishing a suitable protocol connection. And finally, if the device is directly connected to the computing platform (eg: analog or digital inputs) then IVC can read it by communicating directly with the on-board hardware.
Vehicle Compatibility
IVC is compatible with virtually all vehicles. For modern (1998 onwards) with in-vehicle busses, IVC can directly control and command on-board devices. For older vehicles or modern vehicles which use external/proprietary busses, IVC can control and command attached devices as well. Practically any electronic device can be controller and sensor read using the power of IVC.
IVC can expand and grow into whatever you need. It can scale in processing capacity and inputs/outputs, the number of busses interfaced, the number of external processes linked, etc. IVC’s API supports an unlimited number of clients interacting with the vehicle, allowing for multiple services and features operating at once.
Platform Compatibility
IVC is written in C++ and is compiled for a variety of different Linux architectures and distributions. For high-power applications (like dashboard GUI or camera recording system) IVC can run on an Intel x86_64 architecture with plenty of memory and disk space. For low-power applications (like alarm system) IVC can run on a Raspberry PI 3 with minimal storage and processing capacity. IVC is compile for the most popular Linux distributions including Red Hat/CentOS, Ubuntu, Raspbian, and more.
Multi-Bus Compatibility
IVC includes drivers for the most popular bus interface devices (including ELM327, OBDsol, Peak, etc) allowing plug-and-play access to modern vehicles. Given that most modern vehicles have multiple busses, IVC is designed to connect directly to up to 8 busses simultaneously. In addition, IVC can connect to other interfaces including serial (RS-232/485), network (ethernet/wifi), bluetooth, analog and digital raw inputs/outputs, etc.
Asynchronous Operations
IVC’s is designed from the core outwards to be a high-performance controller. All operations are non-blocking, and all interfaces run in their own thread. All API connections operate asynchronously so that many commands can be issued at once, while also receiving unrelated events. IVC also pushes data filtering to the edge devices (where supported) to reduce the demands of the CPU and increase responsiveness.
Low-Power Demands
IVC runs as a Linux service, with no loops or other activities that prevent CPU switching to idle/sleep mode. Written completely in C++, IVC is a binary application with small footprint (and no heaving swapping to disk or other resource intensive operations). On a properly sized platform the IVC takes less than 1% CPU.
IVC recognizes the inherent risk in exposing critical systems to the outside world, and has designed security into every aspect of the product. All interfaces require authentication, all API connections support 256-bit encryption, all wireless network can be secured through industry standard protocols, and all interfaces can be disabled when not required.
Open API
IVC is a sophisticated yet easy to use platform to build on. All IVC is available through a simple text based API. All commands, responses, and event notifications are sent in plain test as key-value pairs. This allow using English like commands to perform any task. As well, the API is available as a socket which can be read from/written to just like a file (or a network port). The API can be accessed from any programming language or script that can read or write to a file / network socket.
Telnet Interface
Developers will be immediately comfortable with the simple and powerful telnet interface to IVC. All interfaces and adapters can be managed and controlled from a telnet interface, settings changed, devices tested, etc. The telnet interface includes online help and user friendly, rich terminal output.