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  • teliumcustomer25
    Post count: 2

    Hi Telium Support,

    Thanks very much for your help, I have a fix, there are 2 separate arping packages in Ubuntu 16.4.1. I installed the first one “arping” without success, once I discovered the second package, “iputils-arping” and installed that instead everything worked perfectly. I hope that helps the OP too.

    Thanks very much


    Post count: 2


    We’re seeing the exact same symptoms as the OP, we ran a tcpdump whilst failing over to the second peer and while analysing the pcap we couldn’t see any signs that the arping was being sent, even though the logs clearly state that it has been. We’re running haast- on Ubuntu 16.4.1, could you make any further suggestions please?

    Thanks very much


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