Home Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) Installation & Upgrade Problem starting Asterisk on SystemD+Initd system

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    I run a unique distro of Linux which uses SystemD, but also still uses init scripts for some apps (like Asterisk). Everything worked great until I upgraded to HAAst now Asterisk won’t start right. How do I fix this

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 258

    Given the growing popularity of SystemD (most new Linux distros use it), as of version HAAst changed how it interacts with system services. HAAst now uses SystemD as the default.

    More specifically, if HAAst detects that a PBX’s Linux uses SystemD, then it will start and stop services using systemctl. If the PBX’s Linux does not uses SystemD, then HAAst will start and stop services using initd scripts.

    If you find that this change broke your system, then the simplest solution is to create a SystemD service file for Asterisk on your system, and remove/rename the initd script for Asterisk (after disabling the Asterisk initd service). Have a look at this topic https://autocommander.aws2.ocg.ca/search/Can%5C%27t+start+Asterisk+exit+code+158/ for an example asterisk.service file.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by WebMaster.
    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 258

    UPDATE: Based on feedback this change helped some users, but hurt others. So we’ve created a SUPPORTCODE which you can add to your haast.conf file which will force HAAst to use initd, even if your Linux distribution uses systemd.

    Just send an email to support requesting the code, and then HAAst will operate as it did before. Note that you must be running HAAst version or later for the SUPPORTCODE to work.

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