Home Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) Installation & Upgrade Moving PBX between VM hosts in a data center

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    We have our primary PBX’s (3 of them) running in our data center, and the backup PBX’s (3 of them) running in the cloud on AWS. How would this work for licensing? (Its important that the VM’s can move between hosts in our data center and in AWS).

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 258

    HAAst fully supports what you are trying to do, and there are many ways to accomplish this. We have many customers that have split their cluster(s) between on-premise and in-cloud.

    On the AWS side it’s easy. AWS is certified compatible with Telium’s products, so nothing has to be done to allow the instance to move between hosts, regions, etc. You can use ‘hardware fingerprint’ activation and that will tie into your AWS instance identification.

    On the data center side you have several options (see http://www.autocommander.aws2.ocg.ca/activation). The easiest option is to use the cloud license option and you’re set. We understand that some users don’t want to use the cloud for activation or any external service, so then you could use the USB dongle with USB over ethernet software (see https://autocommander.aws2.ocg.ca/topic/usb-license-on-hyper-v-guest/ for examples) and the dongle is always accessible to all of your VM hosts. You could also use our VLS product but that’s overkill for just 3 PBX’s.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by WebMaster.
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