High Availability for Asterisk
VitalPBX Certification
Telium is pleased to announce that VitalPBX is certified compatible with High Availability for Asterisk (HAast).
High Availability for Asterisk
Telium is pleased to announce that VitalPBX is certified compatible with High Availability for Asterisk (HAast).
Visit the Telium suite at IT Expo from Feb 14 – 17. Telium will be hosting it’s biggest event yet. Meet the product managers, senior engineering staff, and learn about what’s in the technical pipeline. You can also see all of our products running in the suite and try all of the advanced features. Book a time in advance to ensure we can answer all of your questions.
One of Brazil’s largest ITSP’s has selected Telium’s HA product to ensure uptime of their entire telecom infrastructure. By leveraging the Telium’s OEM edition this ITSP will ensure call continuity in the event of any telephony failure.
Telium is proud to have received praise from Linux Admin magazine in their discussion of High Availability for VoIP, with an in-depth examination of High Availability for Asterisk (HAast) and High Availability for FreeSWITCH (HAfs). Read the full article at https://www.admin-magazine.com/Archive/2022/68
Telium is proud to provide its high availability and security products as the German armed forces integrate their secure radio networks with SIP.
Although Red Hat is dropping official support for CentOS 8 as of January 31, 2022, Telium will continue to support RHEL 8 and later releases. For customers looking for a free alternative to RHEL 8, Telium recommends AlmaLinux (http://https://almalinux.org)
Telium is pleased to announce that as of January 1 2022, Russia’s largest ITC integrator “bcc” has become our exclusive distributor for the Russian market.
Telium is pleased to announce the 2022 OEM Partner Conference. This invitation only event will create an opportunity for channel partners to see what’s in the product pipeline for the next 36 months, and also provide channel partners with an opportunity to affect the direction of new and existing products. This event is scheduled to be an in-person conference held in Toronto Canada on April 19th 2022; however, depending on pandemic conditions the event may be switched to virtual.
Due to recent DoS attacks the product download pages may be disabled. In order to download any of our products during this time please contact the Telium support group for FTP details.
By combining on-premise and cloud in one PBX cluster you create a high level of resilience and recoverability for all telephony services. With HAast you can place one node in the cloud of your choice (eg: AWS. Azure) and one on-premise to benefit from low cost and low latency when the on-premise node is active, and guaranteed connectivity with the backup node in the cloud is active. Just one of the many ways HAast enables highly flexible, powerful, and fault tolerant communications. HAast now includes support for scaling groups and guest movement across availability zones without change to license (only for AWS and Azure).