High Availability Switch Module
Easy, fast, effective VoIP switch integration

Easily add HA VoIP Switching Functionality
HAsm was designed to make it easy to integrate a highly available VoIP switch into a new or existing product. HAsm hides the complexity of VoIP switching and high availability, exposing a simple and consist interface to which external programs can connect. Performance, features, and easy integration are the hallmarks of HAsm.

Reduce Product Costs
By leveraging prebuilt and well-integrated components, you eliminate the time and expense of searching for, learning, experimenting with, and even developing your our HA VoIP switching solution. All of Telium’s components are managed through a simple yet sophisticated API, making integration into your product quick and inexpensive.

Accelerate Time To Market
Leverage Telium’s library of prebuilt VoIP and HA components, to assemble a tailor made HAsm solution quickly and easily. Telium will design, assemble, test, and customize a HAsm to your specifications, and deliver a solution that is proven, stable, and guaranteed to perform.
Select Only The Pieces You Need
Most companies attempting to integrate VoIP switching capabilities into their products start by trying to integrate full PBX’s; adding features (and complexity) they don’t need while lacking critical functionality they do need. Each of the components which make up HAsm can be customized, paired down, and exchanged for alternative components to ensure the best match for features, performance, and price. This approach also lets HAsm grow with your product, transparently swapping out components as your needs change, leaving the API unchanged.